Sigga: In addition, I love to additionSvo loveelska Iég to readað lesa, I usually read all the timeIég readles usuallygjarnan “when which is”whenever; all the timehvenær sem er. I am retired and can read when I want to.IÉg amer stoppedhætt workingað vinna andog canget readlesið whenþegar I wantmig langar totil ï.e. when I want to do thatitþess.
Birna: Who is your favorite author?whoHver iser favoriteuppáhalds writer, authorrithöfundurinn yourþinn?
SiggaWell, I don't know.: IÉg knowveit itþað (well...)nú notekki, I have read everything by Guðrún frá Lundi, she is very fun to read, [her texts] flow so well.Iég “am done reading”have reader búin að lesa everythingallt byeftir Guðrúnu fromfrá Lundi, in my opinion, I find it to bemér finnst verymjög fungaman to readað lesa herhana, shehún flowsrennur sosvo wellvel. She was old when she began writingsheHún startedbyrjaði oldgömul writingað skrifa, She wrote quite a few books, I think 40 to 50 books.(she) wroteskrifaði “damn, of the devil”quite, very, fairlyansi manymargar booksbækur, Iég thinkheld 40 totil 50 booksbækur, in a short timespan.“not in such a long time”notekki iná so, such asvo longlöngum timetíma. They all became popular.theyÞær becameurðu allallar popularvinsælar. I think I have read them all.IÉg thinkheld Iég “am done reading”have readsé búin að lesa themþær allallar. But now it's about to turn six o'clock.butEn nownú iser the clockklukkan about to becomeað verða six (o'clock)sex, I need to get dressed in my ballet outfit. Aren't we supposed to have shown up at 20 minutes to seven?Iég needþarf to get dressedað klæða mig iní the ballet outfitballettbúninginn, are supposed toeigum wevið notekki to beað vera shown upmættar 20 minutesmínútur toí seven (o'clock)sjö?
Birna: Yes, as I recall it.yesJú, as I recallmig minnir itþað.