Sigga: Gígja, my grandchild, gave me this lipstickGígja, my grandchildbarnabarnið mitt, gavegaf (to) memér thisþennan lipstickvaralit, She knows how much I like to put on makeup.shehún knowsveit how muchhvað “I find it to be fun”I likemér finnst gaman toað “paint myself”put on makeupmála mig.
Birna: How has life been after you retired?howHvernig iser the lifelífið aftereftir að youþú stoppedhættir workingað vinna?
Sigga: Well, just very fun.justBara verymjög funskemmtilegt. Some people think being retired is terribly boring, but those must the the kind of people whose only hobby is their job.some peopleSumum find it to be, are of the opinionfinnst itþað also: "formidably"terriblyægilega (terribly) boringleiðinlegt buten itþað must be, gotta behljóta að vera those, themþau whosem havehafa justbara hadhaft the jobvinnuna assem a hobbyáhugamál, do you understand?skilurðu. You see, my job was absolutely wonderful, it was fun.(I'm about to explain), well you seeSko, mymín jobvinna wasvar intensifying wordabsolutelyalveg wonderfuldásamleg (wonderful), Referring to "vinna"shehún wasvar funskemmtileg. I missed it, but I'm not bored at all now.IÉg missedsaknaði Referring to "vinna"herhennar buten am boredleiðist not at allekkert nownúna. Yngvi retired four years ahead of me and just waited for me to retire.Yngvi “was stopped”had stoppedvar hættur workingað vinna fourfjórum yearsárum ahead ofá undan memér andog waited forbeið justbara waited foreftir því að Iég stopped, quitehætti. We have been in a walking group for 30 years and we have gone around all of Iceland and many places abroad.weVið have beenerum búin að vera iní a walking groupgönguhópi for 30 yearsí 30 ár andog gofara aroundum all (of)allt IcelandÍsland andog “widely”many places, far and widevíða abroadí útlöndum. In addition we do swimming.“then”in additionSvo areerum wevið iní swimmingsundi. I didn't begin swimming daily until I retired.IÉg “went”beganfór notekki swimmingað synda dailydaglega untilfyrr en Iég stoppedhætti workingað vinna. We have a good friendgroup there as well.thereÞar haveeigum wevið a goodgóðan friendgroupvinahóp alsolíka. We have done a whole lot of things together and I can't imagine being without these friends.weVið have doneerum búin að gera a whole lot of thingsheilmargt togethersaman andog Iég canget notekki “think to myself”imaginehugsað mér beingað vera withoután theseþessara friendsvina.
Birna: And so you show up for swimming every day then?andOg show upmætið youþið then, soþá iní swimmingsund every dayá hverjum degi?
Sigga: Yup, we show up every day and on weekends too.yup, yes indeedJá já, wevið show upmætum every dayá hverjum degi andog “during weekends”on weekendsum helgar alsolíka.
Birna: Always at the same time?alwaysAlltaf oná samesama timetíma?
Sigga: Yes, usually always between eight and eight-thirty.yesJá usuallyyfirleitt alwaysalltaf betweenmilli eightátta andog hálf níu = thirty minutes UNTIL nineeight-thirtyhálf níu.
Birna: In (the) Suðurbær pool?inÍ (the) Suðurbær poolSuðurbæjarlaug?
Sigga: Yes, and in every pool [we find].yesJá andog iní every, allallar poolslaugar. If we are out in the countryside, then we go to the pools there.ifEf wevið areerum “out on country”out in the countrysideúti á landi goförum wevið iní the poolslaugarnar thereþar. Just where we are at any given time.justBara “there were”whereþar sem wevið areerum “each time”any given timehverju sinni.
Birna: So, are world affairs being discussed in the hot tub?isEr (then)þá being discussedverið að ræða the world affairsheimsmálin iní (the) hot tubpottinum?
Sigga: Yes yes, we actually mess around a lot which we find horribly (very) funyup, yes indeedJá já wevið actuallyreyndar mess aroundfíflumst (mess around) a lotmikið whichsem in our opinion is, we find to beokkur þykir “awfully”i.e. veryveryvoðalega (very) funskemmtilegt.
Birna: In what way?“how then”in what wayHvernig þá?
Sigga: Well, there are three guys there that call themselves "Bakki Brothers" (who are foolish characters from an Icelandic folk story). And one of the women in the group takes the role of the mother of these foolish characters.Referring wordtheyÞeir areeru (well...)nú threeþrír thereþarna whosem title themselvestitla sig Characters from a popular folk story about three brothers who are very stupid.Bakki brothersBakkabræður andog in addition, (then)svo iser oneein iní the grouphópnum mommamma theirþeirra, We improvise through discussion a sholw lot of nonsense around this topic.aroundí kringum thisþetta is spun, is created through discussionspinnst completealgjör nonsenseþvæla (nonsense).