Sigga: Don't take a picture of all the clutter/junknotEkki taketaka a picturemynd ofaf the clutter, the mess; the junkdraslinu, I hide it here behind the doorI ég hidefel itþað herehér behindbak við the doorhurðina. (idiomatically) You gotta keep the bad stuff somewhere.“Bad people have to be situated somewhere.”This is an idiom that comes from an old story about a troll, the troll ask the priest not to sanctify more of the land because the troll needs some place to be.somewhereEinhvers staðar mustverða bad people, evil peoplevondir beað vera.[a]
Birna: Where does the interest in strollers come from?from whereHvaðan comeskemur the interestáhuginn "áhugi á" = interest inoná strollers?barnavögnum?
Sigga: Well, I don't really knowwell...Tja, Iég knowveit thatþað (now), well...nú notekki. It could be that when I was little and we moved from Vienna there was no room for my stroller and it was left behind.itÞað couldgæti beverið thatað whenþegar Iég wasvar littlelítil andog wevið movedfluttum fromfrá ViennaVínarborg wasvar notekki space, roompláss forfyrir my strollerbarnavagninn minn andog Referring back to barnavagnhehann að skilja eftirto leave behindleft behindskilinn eftir. Every time that someone from the family goes abroad they look for a stroller to give meevery timeÍ hvert skipti thatsem someoneeinhver fromúr the familyfjölskyldunni goesfer abroadtil útlanda look forleita theyþau look forað a strollerbarnavagni totil að givegefa memér.