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Flosi?„Flosi? "Can you hear me?" Njáll shoutscan you hearHeyrirðu í memér?“ shoutskallar Njáll loudlyhátt.
Yes, I can hear you.„yesJá, Iég can hearheyri í youþér. "What do you want?" Flosi asks.whatHvað want youviltu?“ answerssvarar Flosi.
"Wouldn't you just like to make peace with my sons, and call it a day?" asks Njáll.„want youViltu Adds nonchalance(well now)nú notekki justbara make peace withsættast við (make peace with) sonssyni minemína andog This is an phrase.call it a day, stop what you're doingsegja þetta gott ("call it a day")?“ asksspyr Njáll.
"Nope, not a chance." Flosi replies.„noNei, itþað iser notekki anynokkur chanceséns oná itþví.“ answerssvarar Flosi.
"Very well then, but would you be willing to alow some of my people to leave the house?" asks Njáll.„very well tehnJæja, buten is allowedmá maybe, by any chancekannski someeitthvað ofaf the peoplefólkinu minemínu gofara outút?“ asksspyr Njáll.
"Hm, very well, I can allow women, children, and the farm laborers to leave," says Flosi.„hmmHm, very well thenjæja, Iég canget allowleyft womenkonum, childrenbörnum andog “work people”farm laborersvinnufólki to goað fara outút.“ answerssvarar Flosi.
Njáll turns to his people: "Well, you heard the man."Njáll turnssnýr himselfsér towardsað the peoplefólkinu hissínu: „very well thenJæja, you guysþið could hearheyrðuð í the manmannum. Get out!outÚt withmeð you guysykkur! Þórhalla, get out!Þórhalla, go!farðu nownú outút.“
"Well, this isn't exactly how I imagined I'd say goodbye to my dear Helgi," says Þórhalla, wife of Helgi son of Njáll.„IÉg thoughthélt Adds nonchalance(well now)nú notekki thatað Iég wouldmyndi say goodbye tokveðja Not needed here, but adds an emphasis that you're going to refer to a person.himhann Helga mineminn like thissvona.“ sayssegir Þórhalla, wifekona Helga Njálssonar. I will have my brothers avenge him.„IÉg will makelæt brothersbræður minemína avengehefna (avenge) himhans.“
Thank you, my dear Þórhalla.„thanksTakk forfyrir itþað, Þórhalla minemín. "You are a good woman," says Njáll.youÞú areert goodgóð womankona.“ sayssegir Njáll.
Ástríður, the wife of Grímur son of NjállÁstríður, wifekona Gríms Njálssonar, says to Helgi Njálsson: "I cannot leave you behind, Helgi."sayssegir tovið Helga Njálsson: „IÉg canget notekki leave behindskilið youþig leave behindeftir, Helgi. Come with me. We'll put a headscarf on you so that you'll look like a woman.come!Komdu withmeð memér, wevið placesetjum oná youþig women's headscarfslæðu (headscarf) sosvo thatað youþú have the appearance of, looklítir út likeeins og a womankona.“
"That's a ridiculous idea," says Helgi son of Njáll.„itÞað iser ridiculousfáránleg ideahugmynd.“ sayssegir Helgi Njálsson.
"But there's no other way for you to get out," says Ástríður.„butEn itþað iser noengin otherönnur wayleið forfyrir youþig to get somewhere, to make one's way somewhereað komast from herehéðan outút.“ sayssegir Ástríður.
Ástríður puts a headscarf on Helgi and they leave the burning house with the group.Ástríður placessetur headscarfslæðu oná Helga andog theyþau gofara withmeð the grouphópnum out ofút úr burningbrennandi the househúsinu.
Flosi looks at the group.Flosi lookslítur oná the grouphópinn. Oh my, how tall that woman there is.„muchMikið iser thisþessi womankona thereþarna somewhateitthvað “high grown”tallhávaxin. And oh my, how wide her shoulders are.andOg muchmikið “is with”haser shehún “is with”hasmeð widebreiðar shouldersaxlir. Boys, stop that woman.boysStrákar, stop!stöðvið thisþessa womankonu.“
Helgi hears that and throws off his headscarf.Helgi hearsheyrir thisþetta andog throwshendir offaf himselfsér the headscarfslæðunni. He takes his sword and cuts off the leg of Flosi's friend.heHann takestekur the swordsverðið hissitt andog chops, cutsheggur (chops) the legfótinn offaf friendvini Flosa.
Then Flosi comes and cuts Helgi's head off.Flosi comeskemur thenþá andog chopsheggur the headhöfuðið offaf Helga.