Íris: Then someday we are going to have to work during the summers, and then we won't get a summer vacation at all. at some point, somedayEinhvern tímann needþurfum wevið thensíðan toað workvinna iná the summerssumrin andog thenþá getfáum wevið none at allekkert summer vacationsumarfrí.
Hildur: Well, I will have a fun job, taking care of horses.IÉg will beverð anywaysamt iní a funskemmtilegri job, workvinnu, to take care ofað sinna the horseshestunum.
Íris: You know you don't get paid for that.youÞú knowveist youþú getfærð notekki paidborgað forfyrir thatþað.
Hildur: No, I don't care at all, at least it's a job.noNei, I don't caremér er Intensifiercompletelyalveg I don't caresama, itþað iser “anyways”at leastallavega a jobvinna.
Eva: The summer vacation is just so fun,summer vacationSumarfríið iser justbara sosvo funskemmtilegt, sometimes we meet at eleven o'clock and are out until ten in the evening.sometimesstundum meethittumst wevið o'clockklukkan elevenellefu andog areerum outúti untiltil tentíu in the eveningum kvöldið.
Íris: Then you fall asleep like a stone in the evenings,thenSvo falls asleep like a stonesteinsofnar one, you (impersonal)maður in the eveningsá kvöldin, having skateboarded around the whole town.having donebúin to skateboardað bretta aroundum all, wholeallan the townbæinn.
Hildur: (Having) asked to meet the girls, Continuing the description from the last sentence, "(Búin að) spyrja eftir stelpunum"“to ask after”They knock on their doors of their friend's and ask the parents of the girls whether they can come out and play.ask to meetSpyrja eftir the girlsstelpunum, (having) gone on the trampoline, and to the swimming pool.Continuing the description from the last sentence, "(Búin að) fara á trampólínið"gofara on, ontoá the trampolinetrampólínið andog iní swimming poolsund.
Íris: We need more swimming pools in central Reykjavík,it is missing, lackingÞað vantar still, anywayssamt morefleiri swimming poolssundlaugar iní downtownmiðbæinn, we just have Sundhöllin.there isþað er justbara The Swimming HallSundhöllin.
Eva: That one is totally lame.Referring to SundhöllinsheHún iser Intensifierindeed, absolutelyalveg totally lameglötuð.
Hildur: There are many things missing here.itÞað iser Intensifierindeed, absolutelyalveg many thingsmargt thatsem are missing, lackingvantar herehérna.
Eva: Like what?likeEins og whathvað?
Hildur: Oh, you see these things but you forget about immediately.ohÆi, one, you (impersonal)maður seessér such, like thatsvona thingshluti buten forgetsgleymir themþeim immediatelystrax.
Hildur: Well, I will have a fun job, taking care of horses.IÉg will beverð anywaysamt iní a funskemmtilegri job, workvinnu, to take care ofað sinna the horseshestunum.
Íris: You know you don't get paid for that.youÞú knowveist youþú getfærð notekki paidborgað forfyrir thatþað.
Hildur: No, I don't care at all, at least it's a job.noNei, I don't caremér er Intensifiercompletelyalveg I don't caresama, itþað iser “anyways”at leastallavega a jobvinna.
Eva: The summer vacation is just so fun,summer vacationSumarfríið iser justbara sosvo funskemmtilegt, sometimes we meet at eleven o'clock and are out until ten in the evening.sometimesstundum meethittumst wevið o'clockklukkan elevenellefu andog areerum outúti untiltil tentíu in the eveningum kvöldið.
Íris: Then you fall asleep like a stone in the evenings,thenSvo falls asleep like a stonesteinsofnar one, you (impersonal)maður in the eveningsá kvöldin, having skateboarded around the whole town.having donebúin to skateboardað bretta aroundum all, wholeallan the townbæinn.
Hildur: (Having) asked to meet the girls, Continuing the description from the last sentence, "(Búin að) spyrja eftir stelpunum"“to ask after”They knock on their doors of their friend's and ask the parents of the girls whether they can come out and play.ask to meetSpyrja eftir the girlsstelpunum, (having) gone on the trampoline, and to the swimming pool.Continuing the description from the last sentence, "(Búin að) fara á trampólínið"gofara on, ontoá the trampolinetrampólínið andog iní swimming poolsund.
Íris: We need more swimming pools in central Reykjavík,it is missing, lackingÞað vantar still, anywayssamt morefleiri swimming poolssundlaugar iní downtownmiðbæinn, we just have Sundhöllin.there isþað er justbara The Swimming HallSundhöllin.
Eva: That one is totally lame.Referring to SundhöllinsheHún iser Intensifierindeed, absolutelyalveg totally lameglötuð.
Hildur: There are many things missing here.itÞað iser Intensifierindeed, absolutelyalveg many thingsmargt thatsem are missing, lackingvantar herehérna.
Eva: Like what?likeEins og whathvað?
Hildur: Oh, you see these things but you forget about immediately.ohÆi, one, you (impersonal)maður seessér such, like thatsvona thingshluti buten forgetsgleymir themþeim immediatelystrax.