Íris: I am kinda hot in this jacket, but I can't tie it because my phone is in my pocket. I am hotMér er This is the word "svolítið" but informally written as it is pronounced.kinda, a little bitsoldið I am hotheitt iní thisþessari jacket, parkaúlpu buten (I) canget notekki tie, bindbundið Referring to úlpuithana becauseþví phonesíminn myminn iser iní the pocketvasanum.
Hildur: I feel as if August is saving the summer.“It is like August is saving the summer.”itÞað iser like, as ifeins og Augustágúst issé saving, rescuingað bjarga the summersumrinu. It is so hot.ItÞað iser sosvo hotheitt.
Eva: It will be fun to go to school on the boards on Monday if the weather is good.ItÞað will beverður fungaman to goað fara iní schoolskólann oná the boardsbrettunum on Mondayá mánudaginn ifef itþað will beverður goodgott weatherveður.
Hildur: The boys don't know yet that we ride boards, but they are indeed going to get to know about them then.the boysStrákarnir knowvita notekki yetenn thatað wevið areséum oná boardsbrettum buten theyþeir getfá Filler wordindeed, well you seesko to knowað vita ofaf itþví thenþá.
Eva: None of the boys rides a board.noneEnginn ofaf the boysstrákunum iser oná a boardbretti.
Íris: Anyway, I'm not at all excited about starting school now.IÉg amer nevertheless, anywaysamt not at allekkert excitedspennt to startað byrja iní the schoolskólanum nownúna. We have one additional class per day at school.weVið areerum oneeinni “lecture hour”class periodkennslustund longerlengur.
Hildur: You look forward to starting school around the middle of summer, but then the time comes and suddenly you're going to study and wake up early.one, you (impersonal)Maður is looking forward tohlakkar til þess að startbyrja iní schoolskólanum likesvona in the middle of the summerum mitt sumarið buten thensvo the time comeskemur að því andog one, you (impersonal)maður iser goingað fara to studyað læra andog wake upvakna earlysnemma. Great.greatFrábært.
Íris: If it were my decision, summer vacation would be from June until New Year and school would be from New Year to June.ifEf Iég gotfengi toað decideráða would beværi summer vacationsumarfrí iní Junejúní Intensifiercompletelyalveg untilfram að “year join”New Yearáramótum andog schoolskólinn would beværi fromfrá “year joint”New Yearáramótum toað Junejúní againaftur.
Eva: I think that one would start to get bored in your vacation.IÉg thinkheld thatað one, you (impersonal)manni “would go”would startfæri toað get boredleiðast iní yourþínu vacationfríi.
Hildur: Yeah, I find the vacation that we have now to be just awesome.yesJá, I findmér finnst the vacationfríið thatsem wevið haveeigum nownúna justbara Intensifiercompletelyalveg greatæðislegt.
Íris: This was just an idea.thisÞetta wasvar justbara an ideahugmynd.
Hildur: I feel as if August is saving the summer.“It is like August is saving the summer.”itÞað iser like, as ifeins og Augustágúst issé saving, rescuingað bjarga the summersumrinu. It is so hot.ItÞað iser sosvo hotheitt.
Eva: It will be fun to go to school on the boards on Monday if the weather is good.ItÞað will beverður fungaman to goað fara iní schoolskólann oná the boardsbrettunum on Mondayá mánudaginn ifef itþað will beverður goodgott weatherveður.
Hildur: The boys don't know yet that we ride boards, but they are indeed going to get to know about them then.the boysStrákarnir knowvita notekki yetenn thatað wevið areséum oná boardsbrettum buten theyþeir getfá Filler wordindeed, well you seesko to knowað vita ofaf itþví thenþá.
Eva: None of the boys rides a board.noneEnginn ofaf the boysstrákunum iser oná a boardbretti.
Íris: Anyway, I'm not at all excited about starting school now.IÉg amer nevertheless, anywaysamt not at allekkert excitedspennt to startað byrja iní the schoolskólanum nownúna. We have one additional class per day at school.weVið areerum oneeinni “lecture hour”class periodkennslustund longerlengur.
Hildur: You look forward to starting school around the middle of summer, but then the time comes and suddenly you're going to study and wake up early.one, you (impersonal)Maður is looking forward tohlakkar til þess að startbyrja iní schoolskólanum likesvona in the middle of the summerum mitt sumarið buten thensvo the time comeskemur að því andog one, you (impersonal)maður iser goingað fara to studyað læra andog wake upvakna earlysnemma. Great.greatFrábært.
Íris: If it were my decision, summer vacation would be from June until New Year and school would be from New Year to June.ifEf Iég gotfengi toað decideráða would beværi summer vacationsumarfrí iní Junejúní Intensifiercompletelyalveg untilfram að “year join”New Yearáramótum andog schoolskólinn would beværi fromfrá “year joint”New Yearáramótum toað Junejúní againaftur.
Eva: I think that one would start to get bored in your vacation.IÉg thinkheld thatað one, you (impersonal)manni “would go”would startfæri toað get boredleiðast iní yourþínu vacationfríi.
Hildur: Yeah, I find the vacation that we have now to be just awesome.yesJá, I findmér finnst the vacationfríið thatsem wevið haveeigum nownúna justbara Intensifiercompletelyalveg greatæðislegt.
Íris: This was just an idea.thisÞetta wasvar justbara an ideahugmynd.