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Here you will read about „þúfur“ (earth hummocks), an unusual earthen formation found in regions near the arctic. These tiny mounds are formed from the soil going through freeze-thaw cycles.
As winter comes, so comes the frost.“With winter comes the frost.”withMeð the wintervetrinum comeskemur the frostfrostið. The water in the ground freezes and since frozen water takes up more space than liquid water, the soil lifts up.the waterVatnið iní the ground, the earthjörðinni freezesfrýs andog since, becauseþar sem að frozenfrosið watervatn takestekur upupp moremeira space, roompláss thanen liquidfljótandi (liquid) watervatn is lifted, becomes liftedlyftist the soiljarðvegurinn (the soil) upupp. The soil does not rise evenly everywhere, so it becomes uneven.the soilJarðvegurinn is lifted, becomes liftedlyftist notekki equally highjafnhátt upupp in all places, everywherealls staðar sosvo að Referring to masculine jarðvegurinnithann becomesverður unevenójafn. When the weather becomes warm again, the ice turns into water again.whenÞegar it (referring to the weather)það gets warmhlýnar becomesverður the iceísinn “then”thensvo againaftur becomesað watervatni, but before the soil is able to sink, the holes (that the ice left behind) fill with sand.buten beforeáður en the soiljarðvegurinn is able tonær sink, descendað síga become filledfyllast the holesholurnar that, whichsem iceísinn left behind [itself]skildi eftir sig “of”withaf sandsandi.
This process repeats itself over and over again each time it freezes, so that tiny mounds are gradually formed.thisÞetta repeatsendurtekur itselfsig againaftur andog againaftur each timeí hvert skipti that, whichsem it (referring to the weather)það freezesfrystir sosvo að graduallysmám saman formmyndast very tinypínkulitlir mounds, hillshólar. These little hills are called "earth hummocks".theseÞessir littlelitlu mounds, hillshólar are calledkallast earth hummocksþúfur. Earth hummocks are all over Iceland.earth hummocksÞúfur areeru everywhereút um allt iná IcelandÍslandi. You have to be careful when you walk on earth hummocks because it is easy to twist your ankle.one, a person (impersonal)Maður mustverður “to go carefully”to be carefulað fara varlega whenþegar one, a person (impersonal)maður walkslabbar oná earth hummocksþúfum becausevegna þess að itþað iser easyauðvelt thatað take a bad step and twist your anklemisstíga sig.
By the harbor in Reykjavík there is an artwork that looks like a giant hummock.byVið the harborhöfnina iní Reykjavík iser a piece of artlistaverk that, whichsem lookslítur út likeeins og (a) hugerisastór earth hummockþúfa. The artwork is by Ólöf Nordal.the artworkListaverkið iser byeftir Ólöfu Nordal. It's nice to see a reference to nature there in the middle of the city next to large fish processing plants and concert halls made of glass.itÞað iser “fun”nicegaman to seeað sjá (a) referencetilvísun “in”toí the naturenáttúruna thereþarna iní middlemiðri the ciyborginni next tovið hliðina á bigstórum fish processing plantsfiskvinnslum andog “music houses”concert hallstónlistarhúsum made of, made fromúr glassgleri. The artwork also reminds you a little bit of what it was like to be a kid, trying to run on the hummocks out in the Icelandic moors without falling.the artworkListaverkið recalls, remindsminnir you (impersonal)mann toolíka “so little”a little bitsvolítið “on”ofá howþað hvernig itþað wasvar toað bevera (a) kidkrakki andog tryreyna to runað hlaupa oná the hummocksþúfunum outúti iní uncultivated area with low-growing vegetation; the barren moormóa withoután þess fallingað detta.
Up on the hummock in Reykjavík there is a small shed where fish is dried like in the old days.upUppi oná the hummockþúfunni iní Reykjavík iser (a) smalllítill shedskúr whereþar sem fishfiskur iser driedþurrkaður likeeins og iní (the) oldgamla daysdaga. When you walk up on the hummock you see both the old method of drying fish and the huge modern fish processing plants around it.whenÞegar one, a person (impersonal)maður walkslabbar upupp ontoá the hummockþúfuna seessér one, a person (impersonal)maður thenþá bothbæði the oldgömlu the methodaðferðina ofvið að dryingþurrka fishfisk andog alsolíka the giantrisastóru the modern fish processing plantsnútímafiskvinnslurnar aroundí kring.
External links:
- Stúdíó Ólöf Nordal on Facebook