Villi Neto
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Very well, the time has come.– very wellJæja, thenþá “is come to it”the time has comeer komið að því. The good old skate.the oldGamla the goodgóða the skate (type of ray fish)skatan.
Yes, the good skate.– yesJá, the skate (type of ray fish)skatan the goodgóða.
Aren't you filled with enthusiasm for the skate banquet?– are youErtu notekki same as the English "pep up"filled with energy and entusiasmpeppaður iní An annual banquet (party) where skate (ray fish) is eaten.the skate banquetskötuveisluna?
Why yes indeed, let's go and eat that skate.– yes indeedJú jú, let's goförum andog eatborðum thisþessa skate (ray fish)skötu.
– Let’s go.
Skata is skate, a type of ray fish. On the festival of Þorláksmessa (December 23), fermented skate is eaten. It has a pungent smell and therefore many people dislike it or are even disgusted by it, however people force themselves through it to demonstrate to their friends that they are authentic Icelanders.
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