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I saw a girl in Crossfit using sandpaper to remove the hard skin on her hand.sawSá a girlstelpu iní Crossfit, type of fitness planCrossfit usenota sandpapersandpappír oná the hand callus, the hard skin that forms on your palms when you exercisehandsiggið (hand callus) theirsitt. I asked her whether that wasn't a little bit coarse/obscene.This is a pun, "grófur" word has two meaning so it can refer to the sandpaper being coarse and her behavior being obscene.(I) askedSpurði herhana wheatherhvort itþað wasværi noekki Shortened form of "svolítið". Informal.a little bitsoldið This is a pun, the word has two meaning so it can refer to the sandpaper being coarse and her behavior being obscene.1. coarse, rough 2. crude, obscene, vulgargróft (laughter)ahahah