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The design of the wool sweater was created around the middle of the last century.the wool sweater designLopapeysuhönnunin came into existancevarð til aroundí kringum middlemiðja lastsíðustu centuryöld. Even though the design isn't that old, many Icelanders are fond of the wool sweater.even thoughÞó að the designhönnunin issé notekki sosvo oldgömul feel affection for, are fond ofþykir manymörgum IcelandersÍslendingum feel affection for, are fond ofvænt um the wool sweaterlopapeysuna, It is so nicely old-fashioned.ithún iser sosvo in a manner that is funskemmtilega old-timeygamaldags.
Many knit sweaters for their family members.manyMargir knitprjóna sweaterspeysur ontoá family membersfjölskyldumeðlimi theirsína. Even some teenagers knit wool sweaters.For emphasisevenMeira að segja somesumir teenagersunglingar knitprjóna wool sweaterslopapeysur. If you're looking for a new hobby, it would be a fine idea to go on YouTube and learn how to knit.ifEf youþú areert searchingað leita for yourselfþér for, toað newnýju interestáhugamáli would beværi itþað fine, goodágæt ideahugmynd to have a lookað kíkja oná YouTube andog learnlæra to knitað prjóna.