Level B2
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I knowIég knowveit
I know how it isIég knowveit howhvernig itþað iser
to speak with someone late at nightto talk to, to speak withað tala við someoneeinhvern lateseint during nightum nótt
and to never want to fall asleep ever againandog to wantvilja “never any time”never everaldrei nokkurn tímann to fall asleepsofna “further”Mainly used with "aldrei framar"againframar
to threaten basic human needs with the carelessness of loveWith "basic human needs" she is referring to sleep.to threatenað ógna the basic needsgrunnþörfunum (the basic needs) withmeð carelessnesskæruleysi of loveástarinnar
and to blindly believe that the love will be all you need the entire eveningandog to believe intrúa blindlyblint to believe iná thatað shehún is sufficient, is enoughdugi (for) youþér The word "evening" is implied. "Fram eftir öllu" is a phrase.lasting the entire [evening]fram eftir öllu
the longing that surfacesthe longing, yearningþráin thatsem surfaces, appearsdúkkar upp
the fear that nothing will be as sweet as right nowthe fearóttinn thatað nothingekkert will beverði asjafn sweet, tenderljúft asog exactlynákvæmlega nownúna
until he closes his eyesuntilþar til hehann closeslokar (his) eyesaugunum
and he doesn't know it at allandog hehann knowsveit itþað not at allalls ekki
but he breaks your heartbuten hehann breaksbrýtur iní youþér the hearthjartað
and you lie thereandog youþú lieliggur thereþarna
fanatical, insanebrjáluð
insanely in loveinsanelybrjálæðislega in loveástfangin