The letter H is pronounced the same as in English.
  • hótel, hamar, hús
The name of the letter is “há”.


  • hv – “hv” always sounds like “kv”
    • hvar, hvalur, hver, hvítur, hvíla sig, hverfa
  • hl – There is no “h” in this sound, instead this letter cluster represents a breathy L sound, the same sound as in “salt”.
    • hlaupa, hlægja
  • hr – There is no “h” in this sound, instead this letter cluster represents a breathy R sound, the same sound as in “ert”.
    • hratt, hraun
  • hn – There is no “h” in this sound, instead this letter cluster represents a breathy N sound, the same sound as in “vont”.
    • hnakki, hneta, hnífur
  • hj – These two letters represent the sound in the English “hue”. It’s pronounced by raising the back part of your tongue up to the roof of your mouth. It also appears when H is followed by É (“hérna”) because É starts with a J sound (é sounds like “je”).
    • hjá, hérna, hjálpa