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Fóstbræður is an Icelandic TV show which was shown from 1997 to 2001.blood brothersFóstbræður areer Icelandicíslenskur television showsjónvarpsþáttur whichsem wasvar shownsýndur fromfrá 1997nítján hundruð níutíu og sjö totil 2001tvö þúsund og eitt. Fóstbræður were very popular in Iceland any many still use funny sentences from this show.blood brothersFóstbræður werevoru verymjög popularvinsælir (popular) oná IcelandÍslandi andog manymargir usenota stillennþá funnyfyndnar sentencessetningar fromúr theseþessum showsþáttum. The humor in this show is rather strangethe humorHúmorinn iní theseþessum showsþáttum iser ratherfrekar strangeskrýtinn, but we recommend watching it to better understand Icelandic humor.buten wevið recommendmælum með (recommend) to watchað horfa á themþá totil understandað skilja Icelandicíslenskan humorhúmor betterbetur.
It is possible to find many episodes on YouTube,itÞað iser possiblehægt (possible) to findað finna manymarga episodesþætti oná YouTube, but unfortunately there are no subtitles.“but actually there are no subtitles.”buten itþað iser well actually, (unfortunately)reyndar noenginn “text”subtitlestexti (subtitles).