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The Blue Lagoon is a very beautiful lagoon which is surrounded by a lava field.blueBláa the lagoonlónið iser verymjög beautifulfallegt lagoonlón whichsem iser surrounded byumkringt lava fieldhrauni. The water in the lagoon is light blue, almost white, and it's warm and comfortable.the waterVatnið iní the lagoonlóninu iser light blueljósblátt, “close to it”almostnæstum því whitehvítt, andog itþað iser hotheitt andog comfortableþægilegt. The water is also very good for the skin.the waterVatnið iser alsolíka verymjög goodgott forfyrir the skinhúðina.
Most people assume that the Blue Lagoon is a natural lagoon,mostFlestir assume, reckon, expectreikna með því thatað blueBláa the lagoonlónið issé (a) naturalnáttúrulegt lagoonlón, but that is actually not so.buten thatþað iser actuallyreyndar notekki so, truesvo. The water actually comes from a geothermal power plant nearby.the waterVatnið comeskemur actuallyí raun fromfrá a geothermal power plantjarðhitavirkjun (geothermal power plant) iní “the neighboring area”the surrounding areanágrenninu. The power plant bores a few hundred meters down into the earth and fetches boiling hot water which it then uses to create electricity.the power plantVirkjunin digs, boresborar a few hundrednokkurhundruð metersmetra downniður intoí the earthjörðina andog fetchesnær í boilingsjóðandi hotheitt watervatn whichsem itþað usesnotar thensvo in order totil að createbúa til electricityrafmagn. After that the water flows out into the lava field.afterEftir thatþað flows, runsrennur the watervatnið outút intoí the lava fieldhraunið.
This boiling hot water contains a lot of minerals,thisÞetta boilingsjóðandi hotheita watervatn containsinniheldur verymjög muchmikið ofaf mineralssteinefnum (minerals), especially the mineral silica.especiallysérstaklega the mineralefnið silica; siliconkísil (silica). The silica is the reason why the water is so lightly-colored.the silica; the siliconKísillinn iser the reasonástæðan for whichfyrir því að the watervatnið iser sosvona light-colored, clearljóst.
The Blue Lagoon is a very popular tourist destination so you need to buy a ticket a few weeks in advance.blueBláa the lagoonlónið iser (a) verymjög popularvinsæll tourist destinationferðamannastaður so thatsvo að one, youmaður needsþarf to purchaseað kaupa a ticketmiða withmeð fewnokkurra weeksvikna notice; in advancefyrirvara. It's not exactly cheap to visit it,itÞað iser notekki exactly, directlybeint cheapódýrt toað visitheimsækja itþað, but it is definitely worth it.buten itþað iser absolutely, definitelyalveg worth itþess virði. There is something so cozy about being in this hot water out in the lava field.itÞað iser somewhateitthvað sosvo cozy, nicehuggulegt withvið toað bevera iní thisþessu hothvíta watervatni out, outsideúti iní lava fieldhrauni.